Wednesday, September 21, 2005


A gruesome scene...

Note: No person was harmed during the course of this incident.

I was cleaning the sink yesterday, and I noticed an odd smell coming from the drain (onions, tuna, yogurt and God knows what else). With the water running, I flipped on the garbage disposal and reached for the liquid dish detergent. I've found that if I squirt a little down the drain while the disposal and water are running it foams up and cleans out whatever is down there. We had one of those tall bottles of Ajax detergent, and I accidentally bumped it with my forearm, knocking it into the sink where it slid into the drain top down. The disposal was still running and the part of the bottle sticking out of the drain shook and bounced violently. I turned off the disposal and pulled the bottle from the drain. The spout/top had been completely lopped off, and the pinkish-red detergent was now gushing out of the hole like blood from a severed limb. I salvaged what I could by pouring it into an empty Joy bottle that was also by the sink. It was the plastic top that was mangled. Just goes to show you how dangerous a garbage disposal can be.

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