Thursday, May 05, 2005


You don't know the power... of this well balanced breakfast.

There has been a glut of crappy Star Wars merchandise released in conjunction with each of the last 3 films. Some of it still shows up in the clearance aisles of K-mart or in lot stores like Big Lots and Amazing Savings. As recently as March I saw some Darth Maul figurine at the Big Lots in Pleasantville, NJ. The most ridiculous item was this JarJar Binks lollipop thingy that consisted of a plastic head on a stick with a button mechanism that opened the mouth and extended a candy tongue (google "JarJar", "candy" and "tongue" to see it- I promise you won't land on some weird Star Wars fetish porn site). It goes way beyond the standard action figures and vehicles that many of us have tucked away in our basement. Most of it is crap, but a few choice items are downright cool, including: the lightsaber spoon.

Available in many Kellogg cereals, it is a clear plastic spoon (removable for washing) that connects to a battery powered lightsaber base. It is available in red, green or blue. I pulled a red one out of my Frosted Flakes this morning. My daughter promptly and corrected stated, "Wow, you got the Darth Vader one Daddy!"

Is there a double-sided Darth Maul spoon? Or does he get a spork or something?
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Of course, the Jar Jar candy has led to a boycott campaign. Of course, this site is particularly whacko....
Interesting you should note the connection between Star Wars and breakfast cereal. When I was ten, my best friend and I performed a skit at camp where Luke and Vader have a light-saber battle over whether Frosted Mini-Wheats were "crunchy wheat" or "lightly sweet." I guess if we'd been ten years old it would've been whether Miller Lite "tastes great" or was "less filling." those commercial.
The Miller Lite sentence should read "ten years older." Really, I wasn't that bad.
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